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Key Laws of Health


The state of our health is defined by daily lifestyle habits.  One part of the holistic philosophy is that each person has a responsibility for his/her own health and must be an active participant in his/her own healing.  Clients are encouraged to take daily care of their health through rest, diet, water, exercise, temperate lifestyles and attitudes which constitutes wellness.  We support our clients every step of the way, and have provided information below to help our clients understand the importance of better lifestyle choices.


Short sleepers, typically defined as people who get less than six hours of sleep a night, as well as people who don't spend enough time in the deepest stages of sleep, are at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes than those who get at least seven hours.  When you're sleeping, you're regulating hormone levels, you're regulating insulin levels and your blood pressure is being kept under control.  There are a lot of things going on, and if you're not getting enough sleep you're throwing these things out of whack.  During sleep, the body repairs damaged tissue, produces crucial hormones and strengthens memories.  Therefore, sleep is crucial for good health.  It helps memory and mood, keeps you trim, strengthens your immune system, fights inflammation and keeps your heart and blood vessels working in tip-top condition.  Listed below are 8 health effects of insufficient sleep reported by the Huffington Post. 


  • Increasing Stroke Risk - Even without the typical risk factors, like being overweight or having a family history of strokes.  Short sleep can up your risk for stroke, according to 2012 research.  Adults who regularly slept fewer than six hours a night had four times the risk of stroke symptoms.


  • Leads To Obesity - Too little sleep can spur some less-than-ideal food choices, including serving yourself larger portions, and a hankering for junk food.  All thanks to some complicated hormonal changes that occur when you don't get sufficient shuteye. It seems that six hours of sleep or less bumps up production of the hunger hormone ghrelin and limits leptin, which helps you balance your food intake, according to a 2012 review of 18 studies of sleep and appetite.


  • Up Diabetes Risk - A pair of small studies from 2012 examined the link between poor sleep and insulin resistance, a telltale risk factor for diabetes. One found that among healthy teenagers, the shortest sleepers had the highest insulin resistance, meaning the body is not using insulin effectively, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.  The second study examined fat cells in particular, and found that cutting back on sleep increased insulin resistance in these cells, even when diet and calorie intake were restricted, reported.


  • Fuels Memory Loss - You probably know that on the days when you are most tired, you're forgetful and unfocused -- but sleep deprivation can lead to permanent cognitive issues.  The less we sleep, the less we benefit from the memory-storing properties of sleep.  Additionally, a lack of sleep can cause "brain deterioration," according to a 2013 study.


  • Damages Bones - At least in rats, long-term deprivation seems to contribute to osteoporosis, according to a 2012 study. Researchers found changes to bone mineral density and bone marrow in the rodents when they were deprived of shuteye over a period of 72 days.  "If true in humans, and I expect that it may be, this work will have great impact on our understanding of and inability to repair bone damage as we age," Steven R. Goodman, Ph.D., editor-in-chief of Experimental Biology and Medicine, said in a statement.


  • Increases Cancer Risk - A small (but growing) body of research suggests that short and poor sleep can up risk for certain types of cancer.  A 2010 study found that among 1,240 people screened for colorectal cancer, the 338 who were diagnosed were more likely to average fewer than six hours of sleep a night.  Even after controlling for more traditional risk factors, polyps were more common in people who slept less, according to the study.


  • Hurts Your Heart - The stress and strain of too little sleep can cause the body to produce more of the chemicals and hormones that can lead to heart disease, according to 2011 research.  The study found that people who slept for six hours or less each night and have problems staying asleep had a 48 percent higher risk of developing or dying from heart disease.


  • Kills You - It's not just heart problems that can lead to sleep-deprivation-related death.  In fact, short sleepers seem to die younger of any cause than people who sleep about 6.5 to 7.5 hours a night, TIME reported.  A 2010 study examined the impact of short sleep on mortality and found that men who slept for less than six hours a night were four times more likely to die over a 14-year period.  The study's authors called this link "a risk that has been underestimated."

Proper Nutrition

Consuming proper nutrients is essential for the human body to function.  Eating a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains help not only to ensure that your body functions properly, but can also help in the treatment and prevention of a number of serious conditions.  Some conditions that can be improved with proper nutrition include cardiovascular disease, strokes and some types of cancer.


When you eat a meal, your body breaks up the food.  Some of this food is stored as fat, while other parts of it enter your bloodstream as sugar, and work to provide you with energy throughout the day.  When you skip a meal, your blood sugar drops dramatically.  This not only can make you feel sluggish and tired, but it can also wreck havoc with insulin in your body.  If you chronically skip meals, you can be setting yourself up for the development of diabetes later in life.  


On the other hand, overeating puts more than just your physical health at risk.  Overeating can effect your mental health, your self esteem and your social and family life.  Overeating occurs when you consume, over the long term, more food than you actually need to maintain good health.  The effects of overeating extend far beyond the health risks of obesity and disease.  Overeating often leads to obesity, which can put you at risk for diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and other health problems.  Overeating can also lead to acne, hair loss due to vitamin deficiency and other cosmetic problems.


What we eat is just as important as balancing how much we eat.  Poor nutritional habits can be a behavioral health issue, because nutrition and diet affect how you feel, look, think and act.  A bad diet results in lower core strength, slower problem solving ability, muscle response time and less alertness.  Poor nutrition creates many other negative health effects as well.  A healthy diet is one that provides adequate levels of vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats from a variety of foods.  An unhealthy diet, in contrast, is one that contains too much saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, added sugars and processed ingredients or contains too few nutrients.  Unhealthy diets result in a poor nutrient-to-calorie ratio, which can lead to weight gain and malnutrition, as well as related health problems.  A healthy diet provides the nutrition your body needs to grow, maintain itself and function properly.  A variety of fresh, whole foods serve as an abundant source of nutrients.  However, the typical American diet often lacks adequate levels of key nutrients such as potassium, dietary fiber, calcium and vitamin D. Over time, failing to get enough calcium can cause bone loss, low levels of vitamin D can cause bone weakness and not getting the recommended levels of potassium can lead to fatigue and muscle weakness.  Fiber helps keep your colon healthy and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes.  A nutritious diet provides the nutrients that help your body ward off disease.  Over time, a diet lacking in nutrients and high in fat, salt or sugar can result in the development of chronic conditions.  Following an unhealthy diet increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010.



Dehydration is the state of not having enough fluid in the body.  It is common for athletes who fail to drink enough water during strenuous exercise, but it can also occur in anyone who does not receive adequate fluid intake.  The elderly are especially susceptible to dehydration.  The normal aging process tends to cause a decrease in thirst, which results in several problems associated with dehydration.  Some symptoms of dehydration are dry skin, loss of appetite, headaches and confusion.  Drinking enough water can alleviate these symptoms.


The digestive tract is a very complex system that requires water to help break down food.  Heartburn, indigestion and constipation are some problems associated with inadequate water intake.  The stomach lining is 98 percent water and contains bicarbonate to protect against stomach acid.  This lining should be thick at all times to prevent stomach problems.  Water helps maintain the thickness of the stomach lining.  Not drinking enough water thins the lining, causing damage.


Cartilage in the body's joints consists of approximately 80 percent water.  This cartilage gives the joints a smooth surface and allows them to slide easily during movement, but they must remain lubricated.  Not drinking enough water causes less lubrication of the joints, resulting in a greater amount of friction.  When these joints lose their lubrication, they begin to degenerate quickly leading to arthritis. 


Insufficient water intake can lead to high blood pressure.  A shortage of water causes some capillaries to close, which results in a restriction in the movement of blood.  This restriction of blood results in higher blood pressure as the body tries harder to push the blood through.  Liquid in the arteries compensates for the lack of water in the capillaries.  Because the blood is primarily water, drinking water can help lower the pressure.  If blood flow to the kidneys is restricted due to lack of water, they react by constricting the veins and arteries making blood pressure even higher.


Exercise is an absolute requirement for the body's strength and development.  More people die from a lack of exercise than from too much exercise.  More people "rust out" than "wear out".  Daily exercise is benficial for people of all ages.  Exercise not only promotes a sense of well-being and prevents disease, but it also aids in the recovery from disease.

Benefits of Exercise:

  • Strengthens bones and muscles.

  • Improves circulation of the blood to increase efficiency of the heart, lungs and blood vessels.

  • Regulates blood pressure.

  • Slows down the aging process and improves performance in the activities of daily living.

  • Aids digestion when one walks briskly after a meal with the head up and shoulders back.

  • Helps keep the body at an ideal weight.

  • Strengthens the immune system, thereby helping the body to resist infections and colds.

  • Reduces stress and helps one to relax.

  • Lifts gloom from the mind by increasing the production of norepinephrine, an anti-depressive neurotransmitter in the brain.

  • Improves mental efficiency and promotes clear thinking. ​



Benefits of Sunlight:

  • Improves the circulation of the blood.

  • Increases the cardiac output - the amount of blood that is pumped by the heart with each contraction.

  • Increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

  • Helps regulate blood pressure toward a normal, healthy level.

  • Increases the number of white blood cells and stimulates their ability to destroy both germs and cancer cells.

  • Improves liver function, and helps the body to eliminate toxic chemicals and environmental pollutants.

  • Stablizes blood sugar (glucose) levels.

  • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

  • Increases the body's metabolism by stimulating thyroid gland function.

  • Enhances the mental outlook and a sense of well-being.

  • Promotes healing



Temperance or abstemiousness means to deny self, to use moderately (not in excess) that which is good, and to use nothing that is harmful to the body. Moderation should be exercised in all the habits of daily life.  Abstain entirely from unclean and harmful substances.


Fresh Air

Man might live 5 to 6 weeks without food, a few days without water, but only a few minutes without air.  Fresh air has an invigorating influence on both body and mind.  The body benefits more from outdoor than from indoor exercise.  Pure, fresh air benefits the body and mind in the following ways:

  • Promotes a healthful circulation of the blood.

  • Refreshes and strengthens the body.

  • Soothes the nerves - gives the mind composure and serenity.

  • Excites the appetite and helps the food to digest more perfectly.

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